Aquatic Programs
Sample activities, refine skills, socialize and pursue interests in an enjoyable setting ... Adult Enrichment has something for everyone!
The goal of Youth Enrichment is to provide opportunities for youth to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and improve their social skills in an informal, fun and safe environment.
Prepare to be a more informed boiler operator and gain knowledge of boilers, codes and practices in preparation for the State of Minnesota boiler operator's exams, resulting in possible career advancement. Focus is on low PSI steam and hot water heating boilers. Receive sample tests and corrected copies are offered. Handouts relating to the governing jurisdictional codes, applicable and currently enforced in Minnesota, are explained in an easy format. State exam applications and affidavit forms provided.
John Glynn is currently employed as a boiler and pressure vessel inspector. He began operating high pressure boilers in 1975 and also holds a current Chief A Minnesota Boiler Operators license.
John Thomas Glynn