Aquatic Programs
Sample activities, refine skills, socialize and pursue interests in an enjoyable setting ... Adult Enrichment has something for everyone!
The goal of Youth Enrichment is to provide opportunities for youth to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and improve their social skills in an informal, fun and safe environment.
Parents With Children Ages Birth Through 7 Years
Children’s brains are changing every day and it can be hard to keep up with all the new behaviors that can push our buttons. You will learn how brain state affects how we as parents approach our children’s behavior. Conflict can be an opportunity to teach and learn. This class will explore the two parts of discipline: the health of the relationship and the skill set involved. You will walk away with new insights about your child and yourself as well as strategies to try immediately.
No Class Oct 3, Oct 17, Nov 7 & Nov 28
Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan - MN residents ended Tue, Aug 6th
Everyone else ended Wed, Sep 18th
Online registration is over