Aquatic Programs
Sample activities, refine skills, socialize and pursue interests in an enjoyable setting ... Adult Enrichment has something for everyone!
The goal of Youth Enrichment is to provide opportunities for youth to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and improve their social skills in an informal, fun and safe environment.
Join this "sport of the mind" and become part of your school's chess club. Chess club follows four basic components: Teach It!…Learn different chess concepts and be coached to implement those concepts into their chess games. Practice It!…Practice positions set by the coach to improve understanding of the concept. Puzzle It!…Take chess puzzles and work with coach guidance to solve them. Play It!…Each class ends with students playing 20-30 minutes of chess. Youth Enrichment League Staff
Grandes Maestros del Ajedrez (grados K-5)
Únete a este "deporte de la mente" y forma parte del club de ajedrez de tu escuela. El club de ajedrez sigue cuatro componentes básicos: ¡Enséñalo! ... Aprende diferentes conceptos de ajedrez y recibe entrenamiento para implementar esos conceptos en juegos de ajedrez. ¡Practícalo! ... Practica las posiciones establecidas por el/la entrenador/a para mejorar la comprensión conceptual. ¡Descífralo! ... Coge rompecabezas de ajedrez y trabaja con la guía del/ de la entrenador/a para resolverlos. ¡Juégalo! Cada clase culmina con los estudiantes jugando de 20 a 30 minutos de ajedrez. Personal de la Liga de Enriquecimiento Juvenil
Ciyaartoyda Ugu Sarreyso Shaxda (fasallada K-5)
Ku soo biir "ciyaartan maskaxda la isticmaalo" oo qayb ka noqo naadiga shaxda ee dugsigaaga. Naadiga shaxda wuxuu raacaa afar qeybood oo aasaasi ah: Bar! Baro fikradaha shaxda ee kala duwan oo ha laguu tababaro inaad fikradahaas ku dhaqangeliso cayaaraha shaxda. Ku Celceli! Ku celceli boosaska uu tababaruhu kuu dejiyey si aad u wanaajiso fahamka aad kahaysato fikradda. Ku Xujeyso! Qaado xujooyinka shaxda oo kala shaqee hagida tababarka si aad u xallisaan. Ciyaar! Fasal kasta waxa uu ku dhammaadaa ardayda oo ciyaareysa shaxda 20-30 daqiiqo.
No Class Mar 25
No Class Mar 27