Aquatic Programs
Sample activities, refine skills, socialize and pursue interests in an enjoyable setting ... Adult Enrichment has something for everyone!
The goal of Youth Enrichment is to provide opportunities for youth to pursue their interests, expand their abilities and improve their social skills in an informal, fun and safe environment.
Experience musical excellence in an environment that nurtures creativity, teamwork and the love of singing. Learn the art of reading music, develop your vocals, ear training, musicianship and ensemble skills. Perform for friends and family on the last day of class. Continuous registration (Sept-May) is encouraged, however, students may join mid-year.
Vivace (grades 2-3)
Explore your voice, develop your ear, building music literacy and prepare yourself for the rigors of successful choral membership. Vivace uses the principles of Orff-Kodaly music education. This non-auditioned choir class is positive, fun and structured. Instructor: April Rios
Thursdays, EVHS, 6:20-7:20 p.m.
Prima Voce (grades 4-6)
Build upon your musical interests and skills. Basic training and musicianship is combined with a positive and creative environment. Instructor: Kari Douma
Thursdays, EVHS, 6:20-7:45 p.m.
Bel Canto (grades 6-9)
Focus on the development of a free and natural vocal production, while honing your musicianship, expressivity and ear training abilities. Basic music theory and sight-reading development are integrated into curriculum. Bel Canto is a treble choir open to students in grades 7-9 and advanced 6th graders.
Thursdays, EVHS, 6:20-8:00 p.m.
Allego Choral Academy instructors Greg Douma, Kari Douma and April Rios, District 196 teachers, are dedicated to providing a comprehensive vocal music experience to young people through the achievement of musical excellence.
Allegro Choral Academy
No Class Mar 27
Online registration is over