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4 Results

  • William Tung (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Adventures in Dungeons & Dragons (grades 6-12, adults welcome)

    Experience the world's most popular role-playing game. Create characters and use them to act, explore, solve problems, fight and be a part of collaborative storytelling. Learn the game then play through a campaign, adventuring the world and events together. In addition to the fun, practice math and reading, learn about culture and history, develop ethics and critical thinking, all while improving social skills and group participation! All are welcome, parents too. Come and see if you can survive or thrive in a world of danger and heroics. Each player will receive a seven piece set of dice. New players are encouraged to purchase a Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook.
  • Chess Club - Advanced (grades K-12)

    The Chess Club Advanced is for advanced students who are interested in tournament play, more challenging lessons, and longer playing time. Are you one of the top players in your school or grade level? Have you been successful competing in YEL chess tournaments or other tournaments? Are you interested in competing at a higher level at local, regional, and national USCF (United States Chess Federation) tournaments? If so, the Chess Club is for you! The Chess Club is led by some of the best coaches in Minnesota. National Master, Craig Heirigs and other great coaches will lead advanced lessons for players interested in taking their chess skills as far as they can go. *** Club de ajedrez (grados K-12) ¿Eres uno de los mejores ajedrecistas de tu escuela o curso? ¿Has triunfado compitiendo en torneos de ajedrez? ¿Te interesaría competir a un nivel superior en torneos locales, regionales y nacionales de la Federación de Ajedrez de Estados Unidos? Si es así, el Club de Ajedrez es para ti. El maestro Craig Heirigs y otros grandes entrenadores impartirán clases avanzadas para los jugadores que se interesen en llevar sus habilidades lo más lejos posible. *** Naadiga Shaxda (fasallada K-12) Ma kamid tahay ciyaartoyda ugu sarreyso shaxda ee dugsigaaga ama heer fasal? Guulo maka soo hoysay tartamada shaxda? Ma daneyneysaa ka tartamidda heer sare tartamada maxalliga ah, kuwa gobolka, iyo heer qaran ee Xiriirka Shaxda Mareykanka? Haddii ay sidaa tahay, Naadiga Shaxda ayaa laguu hayaa. Tababaraha Qaranka, Craig Heirigs, iyo tababarayaasha kale ee waaweyn ayaa hoggaamin doona casharo horumarsan oo loogu talagalay ciyaartoyda daneynaya inay qaataan xirfadahooda shaxda illaa iyo inta ay ka gaari karaan.
  • Project Runway (grades 4-8)

    Sew away to Project Runway, a fashion show. Exhibit projects, designs and crafts made with your own hands, style and flair! Make and take home multiple projects: swim suit cover-up, mini messenger bag, earbud case and personalized sewer's handbook. Discover the basics of hand sewing and machine sewing, measuring, pinning and cutting patterns. Invite your family and friends to the last day of class for a runway show that will command attention and dazzle. A stitch in time saves nine, so sign up early.
  • Woodworking (grades 4-7)

    Build a paddle boat, bird house, trophy stand and garden tote. Learn to measure, cut, sand and paint and then take home each project they build. Understand the basic use of hammers, nails, screwdriver, measuring tape, t-square and more. No power tools used in class, small saw will be used. Wear clothes that can get paint on them.