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Nature Matters 1: The why and how of bringing nature into your teaching and life

District 196 Graduate Courses -
District 196 Graduate Courses Summer C1 2024

Nature Matters 1:The why and how of bringing nature into your teaching and life


1.5 quarter credit through District 196 or a 1 semester credit co-sponsored by Concordia University and District 196

Time spent near nature matters. World-wide children spend less and less time outside and in natural environments each year. The benefits of nature exposure are significant: increased knowledge retention and better focus, physical and mental health benefits, and improved soft skills such as leadership and environmental ethics development. Research indicates that nature-based learning is even a tool to build equity in the classroom, leveling the playing field across a variety of disadvantaged students. This class focuses on examining the current research around nature-based learning, exploring the many ways to bring nature into your classroom or school, and brainstorming for your own classroom. Some course hours outside!

This course fulfills two areas of Minnesota license renewal:
-Positive Behavior Interventions
-Accommodation, modification and adaptation of curriculum, materials and instruction

This course is for all licensed staff: All Pre K-12 licensed staff, Special Education teachers, EL & GTD teachers, TOSA, Counselors, Psychologists and Social Workers.

Coursework can be completed at your own pace between May 6-June 26.

* District graduate quarter credits can be used for movement on the salary schedule but generally will not transfer from district to district. If you decide to drop the course, you must do so by May 5th for a refund. 

For an additional $175.00 fee an individual may obtain 1 semester graduate credit from Concordia University. Tuition is due and payable in full by the first class session. Course approval forms need to be completed. Courses may be used for renewal units. 

** Individuals at MA+60 may audit any courses for $28.15 per quarter credit. Individuals “auditing” classes are expected to complete class assignments.