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Helping Students Succeed with Brain Aligned and SEL Strategies

District 196 Graduate Courses -
District 196 Graduate Courses Summer C1 2024

Helping Students Succeed with Brain Aligned and SEL Strategies


1.5 quarter credit through District 196 or a 1 semester credit co-sponsored by Concordia University and District 196

This course outlines the positive impact of well implemented SEL strategies to improve learning, emotional regulation and behavior. The course provides research on student brain development and structure. The course will promote the practice of considering student deficits through an emotional/behavioral co-regulation process. The material covers the shift in student focused management to adult intervention that takes into consideration an adult regulated brain and body responses. Adults will learn how their own self-awareness positively impacts students. The goal is for there to be an introduction into social emotional learning themes and how to implement strategies that educators can use when students cope and succeed in their classrooms.

Required book: Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain by Marilee Sprenger (available on Amazon or from your local library)

Coursework can be completed at your own pace between May 6-June 26.

* District graduate quarter credits can be used for movement on the salary schedule but generally will not transfer from district to district. If you decide to drop the course, you must do so by May 5 for a refund.

For an additional $175.00 fee an individual may obtain 1 semester graduate credit from Concordia University. Tuition is due and payable in full by the first class session. Course approval forms need to be completed. Courses may be used for renewal units. 

** Individuals at MA+60 may audit any courses for $28.15 per quarter credit. Individuals “auditing” classes are expected to complete class assignments